22 April 2011

Excuse Me, You Have Quiche in Your Beard.

There are some things that you just remember. They might not have even been anything special, but you'll never forget them. For me, one of those was the first time I ever had quiche. 

It was the summer after ninth grade. My mom is an amazing cook, though I've never seen her make quiche. As such, I first had it when I went to the beach with my youth group. 

It was breakfast, a few days into trip. I noticed there was a new item at breakfast, a departure from the traditional bacon, eggs, and pancakes we'd been having all the other days. It was this strange pie-like substance, filled with broccoli, eggs, and cheese. 

I take a small slice, just to try it. I don't want to waste food, after all. After one bite, I know I want more. I ate several pieces of the strange egg pie. It was a perfect food. 

Over the course of that day, I asked several people if they tried the egg pie. Eventually they told me it was quiche. How is this possible? Isn't quiche a food for women and men without beards? How is this quiche? This is a solid manly meal. 

I've been making quiche recently. It's easy to make, given the right recipe. I'm not going to shave my beard and start wearing tights. No, I can be manly and keep eating quiche, because my identity is found in Christ, not in what I eat (or even the hair on my face). 

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